County Dairy Heifers project
Project location : countrywide
The dairy development program focuses on:
- Increasing Busia County milk production
- Availing quality breeds of dairy animals to farmers
- Improving incomes earned from the dairy enterprise through increased production
- Promoting commercial fodder production and conservation
- Empowering women, youths and persons with disability groups.
Project status: so far, 615 dairy animals has been distributed to farmers groups across the sub counties from the County Heifers Program. A total of 3,015 persons are direct beneficiaries with more than 2000 indirect beneficiaries from processing, marketing, fodder production among other sectors creating job opportunities
The 615 animals distributed contributes an additional 1,875,750 litres of milk per year. This earns farmers Ksh 112,545,000 per year and contributes to County Revenue
In 2021/2021 approximately 300 Dairy heifers will be issued to farmers. Increased productivity, incomes and job creation is envisaged from the program
Currently, Busia produces 27,367,551 litres/year of milk with Nambale, Teso North, Teso South and Butula leading in production respectively.

- Department: Smart Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Blue Economy
- Year: 2024
- Location: BUSIA
- Status: complete