County Government of Busia

"Gateway to East and Central Africa"



Directorate of Budget, and Economic Planning

The Directorate is one among the five Directorates in The Department of Finance and Economic Planning. It is the arm of The County Treasury that is mandated to perform Budgeting and planning functions in the County treasury.

Commitments and Responsibilities of the Directorate of Budget and Economic planning include:

  1. Production of credible and compliant County medium term planning documents such as County Budget Review Outlook Paper, County Fiscal Strategy Paper and County Budget Estimates
  2. To increase public participation in pertinent financial and planning matters through embracing public participation in all relevant planning and budgeting aspects.
  3. To Enhance Effectiveness in budget development and administration by production of prudent budget development and administration
  4. Prudent financial management of County resources by creating an enabling framework and legal environment in the directorate.
  5. Ensure that Busia county gets unqualified audit opinion by reducing the value of audit queries in the directorate
  6. Production of quality budgeting reports in line with PFM Act 2012 and Financial regulations of 2015.
  7. Attain high levels of financial reliability and sustainability to achieve high levels of operational efficiency in the directorate
  8. Attain and sustain high quality service delivery to the public to ensure accountability, integrity
  9. Attain optimum structural, institutional, and human capacity in the directorate.
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