Department of Water and Irrigation

The Department is mandated to ensure that the people of Busia County are provided with desired service levels in water provision under a secure and sustainable environment.
The Department Implements its Projects in six sectors namely: Water Supply and Sewerage Services, Environmental Management and Protection, Forest Development and Management, Irrigation Services, Natural Resource Management, General Administration and Support Services.
A clean secure and sustainable development.
To promote, conserve and protectthe environment and Improve access to water for Sustainable Development.
Patriotism, National Unity, Sharing and Devolution of Power, The rule of law, Democracy, People Participation, Inclusiveness, Human Dignity, Equality, Human Rights, Non-Discrimination, Protection of the Marginalized, Good Governance, Integrity, Transparency, Accountability and Sustainable Development.
The Department of Water, Irrigation, Environment and Natural Resources is mandated to provide clean and safe water in a sustainable Environment. In achieving this, the Department endeavours to promote, conserve and protect the Environment as well as increase access to water for sustainable County Development.
In the CIDP (1) and in our Strategic Plan 2014- 2018, the department aimed at improving accessibility to water facilities from 46% to 60% within the first 5 years of Devolution. Vegetation cover was to be enhanced by 4% through Afforestation activities, County Greening programs and Conservation of Wetlands.
A part from pure infrastructure investment requirements, the department will introduce other interventions to address infrastructural challenges such as professional service delivery, sustainable operation and maintenance, adequate access to services, forest development and protection of water catchment zones and hilltops. This will go a long way in increasing vegetation cover to levels that will influence environmental changes and have direct impact on climate change and water quality.
The department has upgraded many boreholes to solar powered pumping systems. However, the challenges facing the department include limitations in physical and settlement planning, infrastructure development and depleted existing schemes which reduce service levels, dependence on hydro-electric power to automate water transfer which is very expensive, non-functional schemes located in rural areas with high population out number demand for service delivery.
The challenges are being addressed through the adoption of the hybrid system where water is pumped during day time using solar and electricity at night; this is aimed at cutting on surging electricity costs by 50%.
Other measures include pipe extensions, to high yielding supplies, development of storage facilities and drilling wells in strategic institutions with an objective of achieving Sustainable Development Goals and increasing revenue collection from water supply services.
The environment shall be protected to ensure climate change mitigation; monitoring and evaluation will also be strengthened to ensure efficient and effective management of water schemes managed by community boards to meet desired goals.
Through the department’s interventions, the County Government of Busia has achieved over 56 per cent water coverage to its citizens compared to 53% that is the national population water access standing.
Despite efforts put in place to rehabilitate more water sources, water quality and quantity in the country stands at 54.6% and 66pc. Distance covered in search of water has significantly reduced with 86pc of the county population accessing water within a distance of 1km.
The Solar Powered Water Borehole concept as a Flagship Project
The prime focus of the County Government of Busia at its inception was the conservation and improvement of access to clean and affordable water to each and every single household. This was to be achieved by ensuring that every resident of Busia either has piped water or can access a water kiosk within the locality, which would not only improve accessibility of water but also reduce the prevalence of waterborne diseases emanating from contaminated water.
The County Government of Busia through Department of Water, Irrigation, Environment and Natural resources embarked on a sustainable, convenient and cost effective solar pumping borehole concept. This type of Deep Drilled Borehole has solar panels mounted strategically to provide alternative source of power that pumps water to the reservoir tank for gravity distribution to the water kiosks and the Pipeline Network.
Water Supply and Sewerage Services
The uniqueness of this project is the guaranteed sustainability and cost effectiveness resulting from the solar energy concept hence completely eliminating electricity costs. The Water Kiosks are managed by committees constituted by and from the local Community with special consideration to Women, Youth and People with disability who also generate income from the surplus accrued from the amounts collected.
It is a source of revenue to the County Government as it collects monthly revenue from the groups based on the meter readings. This is ideal in ensuring routine check-ups and maintenance of the systems. The County Government of Busia has sunk 192 Boreholes so far and is currently working on the pipe extensions within some reasonable radius around each borehole based on the yield
Formulation of Busia Water Act 2015 to ensure water and related services are exploited within the Law.
Draft Bill on Sewerage, IncreasedWater piped network by 170Km.
Rehabilitation of SisenyeWater Network through Donor Partnership Improvement of Alema Water System to Hybrid Status (Combine usage of solar and Grid Power) Challenges Inadequate Funding – To maintain a sustainable Environment, and provide adequate water funding is enormous.
The resources required within one financial year to optimally address water issues ranges between 1.2 – 1.5billion. Dilapidated Infrastructure -The Infrastructure inherited by the County Government was designed in the early 70’s. Population pressure has outgrown the demand and the design.