Abel Osinya
Director, Disaster Management
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The directorate main focus is disaster risk reduction, enhance public safety and emergency response, enhance public awareness and disaster response.
The disaster management unit has provided relief services i.e. foodstuffs and non food items to communities in Kakurikit-Teso North affected by windstorms and hailstorms resulting from heavy rains in the month of November. In addition, the directorate also provided foodstuffs to flood victims in Samia, Teso North and Bunyala sub-county as a result of floods emanating from River Nzoia and backflow from Lake Victoria.
The directorate of disaster management carried out risk assessment on roads and bridges affected by heavy rains in the month of October and November and March, April and May in Bunyala and Teso North Sub-county. Road’s construction equipment’s was taken to the lower regions to help reconstruct the damaged roads and bridges.
The directorate installed additional lighting arrestors to avert the lightning menace that claimed lives in recent years. In the current financial year, five lighting arrestors were installed at Kakurikit primary school, Okook primary, Matayos dispensary, Agenga dispensary and Namalo primary school. This is to greatly help safeguard lives of pupils and members of the community as well as safe guard all learning institution and urban centers.
To mitigate the impact of floods and safeguard the vulnerable regions from water related disasters. The directorate of disaster management has done dredging and opening of canals in Buongo-Bunyala Central and Ndekwe stream in Bunyala south to control floods by putting up a structural pathway for excess water to flow away from the vulnerable areas and there by reduce the risk of widespread damage to communities and farmland.
In collaboration with the National government the directorate has done rehabilitation of the Southern dyke through the Lower Nzoia rice irrigation scheme project.
The directorate has successfully responded and mitigated the fire incidences in the county e.g. the Mundika accident through its two modern fire engine.
The unit has continued to foster collaboration and partnership with different stakeholders, which has been clearly demonstrated in the recent flood response interventions. The directorate is greatly indebted to the different partners which responded.