Eng. James Imwene
Director, Water and Sewerage Services
- Born:
- Not Added
- Phone:
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They are lead agents in the provision of reliable, clean and safe water and sanitation services in Busia County.
The Directorates mandate is to ensure continuous and sustainable water and sanitation services provision of Busia People.
Achievements of the Directorate include 289,000 additional people are accessing water, 173 new boreholes developed, 2,485 cubic metres extra storage added, 671 of water pipeline added, 138 solar pumping system installed, 8 hybrid water pumping system implemented, 45 shallow wells developed, increased level of sanitation though construction of Malaba Sanitation project and Port Victoria decentralized waste water treatment facility (DTF) and increased water supply service level to 56 per cent.
Future plans for the Directorate include: upgrading all pumping water schemes to hybrid pumping system, increase water storage from the current 2485m3 to 3500m3 by 2026, improve on water production infrastructure for sustained water provision, upgrade high yielding boreholes and water springs to piped water schemes, enhance customer water metering, enhancing water quality standards through provision of testing equipment and monitoring, build capacity for community managed water schemes for sustainability,increasing revenue collection from water supply services, and strive to attain 75% water service levels and 25% sanitation service level by 2026.